Adding Process Analytics Specification to BPMN Process

In this lab, you add process analytics information to the Sales Quote process.

For the purposes of this lab, you analyze discounts offered to understand its distribution across deal sizes (total net revenue) and industries. At the end of this lab, you will have created the following dashboard:

Adding Business Indicators

Process Analytics capture standard data such as workload and cycle time and process specific data. Business Indicators are used to specify what process specific data should be captured.

There are 3 types of Business Indicators supported:

  • Measures – These are numerical data that typically signify a value that is interesting in process analytics. In this scenario, you create a measure for discount.
  • Dimensions – These specify how process analytic data may be sliced. A dimension has to have a finite set of values. In cases where it is not, such as for numbers and date/time, a set of ranges must be specified for the data. In this scenario, you create dimensions for industry and revenue, where revenue is a numerical dimension, and needs ranges to be specified.
  • Counters – As the name indicates, these are useful for counting iterations. In this scenario, you add a counter to count the number of times the quote needs to be revised. The number of iterations is clearly an interesting data point for analytics and can be used for creating dashboards as a challenge exercise.

RequestQuoteLab BPMN 프로젝트 편집 화면의 구조(Structure) 패널이 있습니다. // 없으면 View - Structure (Ctrl + Shift + S)
Business Indicators 에서 오른쪽 버튼 클릭 - New - Dimension 클릭.

Name: revenueDimension
Type: Int

추가 버튼을 이용해서 아래와 같이 범위(Range)를 입력합니다.

다시 Dimension 추가.

Name: industry
Type: String

Measure를 추가합니다.

Name: discount
Type: Int

카운트(Counter)를 추가합니다.

Name: numQuoteEdits

Assigning Data to Business Indicators

Now that we have defined our business indicators, we need to assign data to them. Business indicators behave just like other data objects regarding data assignment (association). That is, data can be assigned to them either as part of an activity’s output data association or within a Script activity.

Since, in this scenario, the Enter Quote Details output data association is already used for assigning to quote data object, use a Script activity to assign data to the business indicators from the quote data object.

"Enter Quote Details"와 "Is Business Practices Required?" 사이에 Script 액티브티를 추가합니다.

Name: Assign Indicators

Implementation 탭에서 Use Associations 채크 후 편집합니다.

discount, industry, revenueDimension 을 각각 축합니다.

quote - summary - industry 를 아래와 같이 industry variable에 추가합니다.

두번째 discount 인자 오른쪽의 "Expression Builder" 버튼을 클릭합니다.

round(quote.summary.effectiveDiscount) 입력.

세번째 인자인 revenueDimension 에는 round(quote.summary.totalNetRevenue) 입력.

아래와 같이 3개의 값을 설정 했습니다. OK 클릭.

OK 클릭.

Adding Measurement Mark

By default, process analytic data is specified at the project level and there are 3 settings possible:

  • Generate for interactive activities only
  • Generate for all activities
  • Do not generate

Measurement marks provide a way to add additional capture points. In addition to providing additional capture points, Measurement marks also:

  • Allow specification of a business name which can be used for filtering during analysis
  • Provide a visual notation to indicate the capture point

If it is someone’s preference not to have measurement marks displayed on the canvas, it is possible to specify equivalent capture points by using the Sampling Point property of preceding activity.

Measurement 를 "Assign Indicators"와 "Is Business Practices Required?" 사이에 추가합니다.

더블 클릭하여 수정합니다.

Measurement Type: Single Measurement
Name: QuoteEntered

"discount[Measure]" 를 선택합니다. (Selected 영역에 오게 합니다.)

Adding Counter

Enter Quote Detail 액티브티에서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭 - Add Counter Mark 클릭.

numQuoteEdits[Counter] 채크.

Running Instances to Create Sample Data


수정하지 않은 taskflow 프로젝트는 배치하지 않아도 됩니다. (배치가 빨라짐)

Creating Dashboards

As described below, deploy the new version of the process and run a few instances so that during dashboard creation in the next section some data is already available to view.

bpm workspace 에 jcooper 계정으로 로그인합니다.

화면 상단 오른쪽에 문서 추가 버튼을 클릭합니다.

Name: SalesQuoteLab

Add Panel 버튼 클릭.

Panel: Dashboard (Charts) 선택 - OK 버튼 클릭.

Name: Chart

Data Source 오른쪽의 돋보기 아이콘 클릭.

New 버튼 클릭.

아래와 같이 정보를 입력합니다.

OK 버튼 클릭.

Apply 버튼 클릭.

상단 오른쪽의 Apply 버튼 클릭.

아래와 같이 SalesQuoteLab 탭에 차트가 하나 생성되었습니다. 지금은 데이터가 없는지 안나오는군요 -_-

※ 이제부터는 industry, revenue, discount 3개의 필드는 꼭 입력해야 합니다.
