'squirrelmail'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. Squirrelmail 2009.11.12


Posted at 2009. 11. 12. 15:21 | Posted in Server/Ubuntu

# apt-get install squirrelmail


# /usr/sbin/squirrelmail-configure

SquirrelMail Configuration : Read: config.php (1.4.0)
Main Menu --
1.  Organization Preferences
2.  Server Settings
3.  Folder Defaults
4.  General Options
5.  Themes
6.  Address Books
7.  Message of the Day (MOTD)
8.  Plugins
9.  Database
10. Languages
D.  Set pre-defined settings for specific IMAP servers
C   Turn color on
S   Save data
Q   Quit
Command >> 입력


Organization Preferences
1.  Organization Name : Nerv Team Webmail
2.  Organization Logo : ../images/sm_logo.png
3.  Org. Logo Width/Height : (308/111)
4.  Organization Title : SquirrelMail $version
5.  Signout Page :
6.  Top Frame : _top
7.  Provider link : http://www.nerv-team.co.kr/
8.  Provider name : nerv-team webmail


Server Settings
1.  Domain                 : nerv-team.co.kr
2.  Invert Time            : false
3.  Sendmail or SMTP : SMTP
A.  Update IMAP Settings   : localhost:143 (other)
B.  Update SMTP Settings  : localhost:25


Folder Defaults
1.  Default Folder Prefix :
2.  Show Folder Prefix Option : false
3.  Trash Folder : INBOX.Trash
4.  Sent Folder : INBOX.Sent
5.  Drafts Folder : INBOX.Drafts
6.  By default, move to trash : true
7.  By default, save sent messages : true
8.  By default, save as draft : true
9.  List Special Folders First : true
10. Show Special Folders Color : true
11. Auto Expunge : true
12. Default Sub. of INBOX : true
13. Show 'Contain Sub.' Option : false
14. Default Unseen Notify : 2
15. Default Unseen Type : 2
16. Auto Create Special Folders : true
17. Folder Delete Bypasses Trash : false
18. Enable /NoSelect folder fix : false


General Options
1.  Data Directory : /var/squirrelmail/data/
2.  Attachment Directory : /var/squirrelmail/attach/
3.  Directory Hash Level : 0
4.  Default Left Size : 150
5.  Usernames in Lowercase : true
6.  Allow use of priority : true
7.  Hide SM attributions : true
8.  Allow use of receipts : true
9.  Allow editing of identity : true
    Allow editing of name : true
    Remove username from header : false
10. Allow server thread sort : false
11. Allow server-side sorting : false
12. Allow server charset search : true
13. Enable UID support : true
14. PHP session name : SQMSESSID
15. Location base :
16. Only secure cookies if poss. : true


Address Books
1.  Change LDAP Servers
2.  Use Javascript Address Book Search : true
3.  Global file address book :
4.  Allow writing into global file address book : false
5.  Allow listing of global file address book : true
6.  Allowed address book line length : 2048


Language preferences
1.  Default Language : ko_KR
2.  Default Charset : utf-8
3.  Enable lossy encoding  : false


While we have been building SquirrelMail, we have discovered some
preferences that work better with some servers that don't work so
well with others.  If you select your IMAP server, this option will
set some pre-defined settings for that server.
Please note that you will still need to go through and make sure
everything is correct.  This does not change everything.  There are
only a few settings that this will change.
Please select your IMAP server:
    bincimap    = Binc IMAP server
    courier     = Courier IMAP server
    cyrus       = Cyrus IMAP server
    dovecot     = Dovecot Secure IMAP server
    exchange    = Microsoft Exchange IMAP server
    hmailserver = hMailServer
    macosx      = Mac OS X Mailserver
    mercury32   = Mercury/32
    uw          = University of Washington's IMAP server
    quit        = Do not change anything
Command >> courier

              imap_server_type = courier
         default_folder_prefix = INBOX.
                  trash_folder = Trash
                   sent_folder = Sent
                  draft_folder = Drafts
            show_prefix_option = false
          default_sub_of_inbox = false
show_contain_subfolders_option = false
            optional_delimiter = .
                 delete_folder = true
Press any key to continue...

디렉토리 생성

# cd /var
/var# mkdir squirrelmail
/var# mkdir squirrelmail/data
/var# mkdir squirrelmail/attach
/var# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/squirrelmail
/var# chmod -R 770 /var/squirrelmail/data
/var# chmod -R 730 /var/squirrelmail/attach

서브도메인 설정

# vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

# 추가
# mail
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName mail.nerv-team.co.kr
        DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail

apache2 재시작

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

http://mail.nerv-team.co.kr/src/configtest.php 설정 확인



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